Represents textual data as UTF-8 character sequences. This type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar String
link Require by
- AccountHoldernull
- AccountHolderInputnull
- AccountOptionnull
- AccountOptionConnectionThe connection type for AccountOption.
- AccountOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AcordRequestnull
- AcordRequestConnectionThe connection type for AcordRequest.
- AcordRequestEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AcordRequestQueryFilterInputnull
- Activitynull
- ActivityInputnull
- ActivityListnull
- ActivityListConnectionThe connection type for ActivityList.
- ActivityListCopynull
- ActivityListEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ActivityListFilternull
- ActivityListFilterCopynull
- ActivityListFilterInputnull
- ActivityListInputnull
- ActivityListShareInputnull
- Addressnull
- AddressConnectionThe connection type for Address.
- AddressCopynull
- AddressEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AddressInputnull
- AddressQueryFilterInputnull
- AdvanceOptionnull
- AdvanceOptionConnectionThe connection type for AdvanceOption.
- AdvanceOptionCopynull
- AdvanceOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AdvanceOptionInputnull
- AdvanceOptionQueryFilterInputnull
- Advisornull
- AdvisorConnectionThe connection type for Advisor.
- AdvisorCopynull
- AdvisorEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AdvisorExamnull
- AdvisorExamConnectionThe connection type for AdvisorExam.
- AdvisorExamEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AdvisorExamQueryFilterInputnull
- AdvisorInputnull
- AdvisorQueryFilterInputnull
- Affiliationnull
- AffiliationInputnull
- AggregateTypenull
- AggregateTypeConnectionThe connection type for AggregateType.
- AggregateTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Annuitynull
- AnnuityConnectionThe connection type for Annuity.
- AnnuityEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AnnuityQueryFilterInputnull
- AnticipatedBusinessnull
- AnticipatedBusinessInputnull
- Applicationnull
- ApplicationConnectionThe connection type for Application.
- ApplicationEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AppNavLinkSectionTypeA group of links under a single heading on the navigation sidebar.
- AppNavLinkTypeA single parent link in the navigation sidebar that consists of an icon, link text, url, and its sublinks
- AppNavSubLinkTypeA single sublink in the navigation sidebar that consists of a link text, and a url, has a parent link
- Appointmentnull
- AppointmentConnectionThe connection type for Appointment.
- AppointmentCopynull
- AppointmentEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AppointmentInputnull
- AppointmentQueryFilterInputnull
- ApprovedProductnull
- ApprovedProductConnectionThe connection type for ApprovedProduct.
- ApprovedProductEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ApprovedProductQueryFilterInputnull
- Assetnull
- Assigneenull
- AssigneeInputnull
- Attachmentnull
- AttachmentConnectionThe connection type for Attachment.
- AttachmentCopynull
- AttachmentEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AttachmentInputnull
- Attributenull
- AttributeInputnull
- Badgenull
- BadgeInputnull
- BadgeOptionnull
- BadgeOptionConnectionThe connection type for BadgeOption.
- BadgeOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Bandnull
- BandConnectionThe connection type for Band.
- BandCopynull
- BandEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- BandInputnull
- BandQueryFilterInputnull
- Banknull
- BankAccountnull
- BankAccountConnectionThe connection type for BankAccount.
- BankAccountCopynull
- BankAccountEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- BankAccountInputnull
- BankAccountOwnerTypenull
- BankAccountOwnerTypeConnectionThe connection type for BankAccountOwnerType.
- BankAccountOwnerTypeCopynull
- BankAccountOwnerTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- BankAccountOwnerTypeInputnull
- BankAccountOwnerTypeQueryFilterInputnull
- BankAccountQueryFilterInputnull
- BankConnectionThe connection type for Bank.
- BankCopynull
- BankEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- BankInputnull
- BankQueryFilterInputnull
- Beneficiarynull
- BeneficiaryInputnull
- Bonusnull
- BonusConnectionThe connection type for Bonus.
- BonusEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- BonusQueryFilterInputnull
- Brandnull
- BrandConnectionThe connection type for Brand.
- BrandContractnull
- BrandContractInputnull
- BrandEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Campaignnull
- CampaignConnectionThe connection type for Campaign.
- CampaignCopynull
- CampaignEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CampaignInputnull
- CampaignQueryFilterInputnull
- Carriernull
- CarrierConnectionThe connection type for Carrier.
- CarrierCopynull
- CarrierDatenull
- CarrierDateConnectionThe connection type for CarrierDate.
- CarrierDateEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CarrierDateInputnull
- CarrierDateQueryFilterInputnull
- CarrierEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CarrierInputnull
- CarrierQueryFilterInputnull
- CarrierSubmissionTypenull
- CarrierTiernull
- CarrierTierInputnull
- Certificationnull
- CertificationConnectionThe connection type for Certification.
- CertificationCopynull
- CertificationEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CertificationInputnull
- CertificationQueryFilterInputnull
- Checknull
- CheckConnectionThe connection type for Check.
- CheckEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CheckQueryFilterInputnull
- Clientnull
- ClientConnectionThe connection type for Client.
- ClientCopynull
- ClientEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ClientInputnull
- ClientQueryFilterInputnull
- ClientRatingnull
- ClientRatingInputnull
- CollegeGroupnull
- ColumnDisplayTypenull
- ColumnDisplayTypeConnectionThe connection type for ColumnDisplayType.
- ColumnDisplayTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Commentnull
- CommentAttachmentnull
- CommentAttachmentInputnull
- CommentConnectionThe connection type for Comment.
- CommentCopynull
- CommentEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CommentInputnull
- CommentQueryFilterInputnull
- CommissionBatchnull
- CommissionBatchStatementnull
- CommissionPreferencenull
- CommissionPreferenceInputnull
- CommissionStatementnull
- CommissionStatementConnectionThe connection type for CommissionStatement.
- CommissionStatementCopynull
- CommissionStatementEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CommissionStatementInputnull
- CommissionStatementQueryFilterInputnull
- Companynull
- CompanyConnectionThe connection type for Company.
- CompanyCopynull
- CompanyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CompanyInputnull
- CompanyQueryFilterInputnull
- Contactnull
- ContactConnectionThe connection type for Contact.
- ContactCopynull
- ContactEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ContactInputnull
- ContactQueryFilterInputnull
- Contractnull
- ContractClearingFirmnull
- ContractConnectionThe connection type for Contract.
- ContractCopynull
- ContractEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ContractInputnull
- ContractLevelnull
- ContractLevelConnectionThe connection type for ContractLevel.
- ContractLevelCopynull
- ContractLevelEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ContractLevelInputnull
- ContractLevelQueryFilterInputnull
- ContractQueryFilterInputnull
- ContractRegistrationnull
- ContractSubmissionTypenull
- ContractSubmissionTypeConnectionThe connection type for ContractSubmissionType.
- ContractSubmissionTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Countrynull
- Countynull
- CreateResourceIdentifierPayloadAutogenerated return type of CreateResourceIdentifier
- Demographicnull
- DemographicInputnull
- Discussionnull
- DiscussionConnectionThe connection type for Discussion.
- DiscussionCopynull
- DiscussionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- DiscussionFilternull
- DiscussionFiltersConnectionThe connection type for DiscussionFilters.
- DiscussionFiltersEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- DiscussionFiltersInputnull
- DiscussionFiltersQueryFilterInputnull
- DiscussionInfoInterfacenull
- DiscussionInputnull
- DiscussionOptionnull
- DiscussionOptionConnectionThe connection type for DiscussionOption.
- DiscussionOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- DiscussionQueryFilterInputnull
- DiscussionsConnectionInterfacenull
- DiscussionTemplateConfignull
- Dripnull
- DriverLicensenull
- DriverLicenseInputnull
- DynamicExpansionInterfacenull
- Emailnull
- EmailInputnull
- EmailSignaturenull
- EmailSignatureInputnull
- EmploymentHistorynull
- EmploymentHistoryConnectionThe connection type for EmploymentHistory.
- EmploymentHistoryCopynull
- EmploymentHistoryEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- EmploymentHistoryInputnull
- EmploymentHistoryQueryFilterInputnull
- ErrorsAndOmissionnull
- ErrorsAndOmissionConnectionThe connection type for ErrorsAndOmission.
- ErrorsAndOmissionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ErrorsAndOmissionInputnull
- ErrorsAndOmissionOwnernull
- ErrorsAndOmissionOwnerInputnull
- ErrorsAndOmissionQueryFilterInputnull
- Eventnull
- EventConnectionThe connection type for Event.
- EventEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Expansionnull
- ExpansionArgsnull
- ExpansionConnectionThe connection type for Expansion.
- ExpansionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ExternalLookupnull
- ExternalLookupConnectionThe connection type for ExternalLookup.
- ExternalLookupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ExternalLookupQueryFilterInputnull
- ExternalManagernull
- ExternalManagerInputnull
- ExternalManagerOptionnull
- ExternalManagerOptionConnectionThe connection type for ExternalManagerOption.
- ExternalManagerOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FeatureRequestnull
- FeatureRequestConnectionThe connection type for FeatureRequest.
- FeatureRequestEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FeatureRequestQueryFilterInputnull
- FeatureRequestVoteConnectionThe connection type for FeatureRequestVote.
- FeatureRequestVoteEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FeatureRequestVoteQueryFilterInputnull
- Fieldnull
- FieldConnectionThe connection type for Field.
- FieldCopynull
- FieldEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FieldGroupnull
- FieldGroupConnectionThe connection type for FieldGroup.
- FieldGroupCopynull
- FieldGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FieldGroupInputnull
- FieldGroupQueryFilterInputnull
- FieldInputnull
- FieldSelectOptionnull
- FieldSelectOptionInputnull
- Filternull
- FilterFieldsnull
- FilterInputnull
- FilterOptionnull
- FilterOptionConnectionThe connection type for FilterOption.
- FilterOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FilterTypenull
- FilterTypeConnectionThe connection type for FilterType.
- FilterTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FilterValuenull
- FilterValueInputnull
- Firmnull
- FirmConnectionThe connection type for Firm.
- FirmCopynull
- FirmEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FirmInputnull
- FirmQueryFilterInputnull
- Followupnull
- Formulanull
- FormulaInputnull
- HiddenConstantnull
- HiddenConstantConnectionThe connection type for HiddenConstant.
- HiddenConstantEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- HiddenConstantQueryFilterInputnull
- Hierarchynull
- HierarchyConnectionThe connection type for Hierarchy.
- HierarchyCopynull
- HierarchyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- HierarchyInputnull
- HierarchyQueryFilterInputnull
- HierarchyTypenull
- HierarchyTypeConnectionThe connection type for HierarchyType.
- HierarchyTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Hobbynull
- HobbyInputnull
- ImportBatchnull
- ImportBatchRownull
- Incentivenull
- IncentiveConnectionThe connection type for Incentive.
- IncentiveEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IncentiveLimitnull
- IncentiveQualificationnull
- IncentiveQueryFilterInputnull
- IncentiveSchedulenull
- IncentiveSchedulePayoutnull
- Integrationnull
- IntegrationConnectionThe connection type for Integration.
- IntegrationEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- IntegrationOptionnull
- IntegrationQueryFilterInputnull
- InternalManagernull
- InternalManagerInputnull
- InternalManagerOptionnull
- InternalManagerOptionConnectionThe connection type for InternalManagerOption.
- InternalManagerOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- InternalRequirementOrderStatusUpdatenull
- Jurisdictionnull
- JurisdictionConnectionThe connection type for Jurisdiction.
- JurisdictionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- JurisdictionQueryFilterInputnull
- Levelnull
- LevelConnectionThe connection type for Level.
- LevelCopynull
- LevelEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- LevelInputnull
- LevelQueryFilterInputnull
- Licensenull
- LicenseConnectionThe connection type for License.
- LicenseCopynull
- LicenseEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- LicenseInputnull
- LicenseQueryFilterInputnull
- Lookupnull
- MarketingServicenull
- MarketingServiceConnectionThe connection type for MarketingService.
- MarketingServiceCopynull
- MarketingServiceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- MarketingServiceInputnull
- MarketingServiceQueryFilterInputnull
- MarketingServicesPricingConnectionThe connection type for MarketingServicesPricing.
- MarketingServicesPricingEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- MarketingServicesPricingInputnull
- MarketingServicesPricingQueryFilterInputnull
- MedicalFacilitynull
- MinimumPaymentnull
- Mutationnull
- Opportunitynull
- OpportunityConnectionThe connection type for Opportunity.
- OpportunityCopynull
- OpportunityEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OpportunityInputnull
- OpportunityQueryFilterInputnull
- Optionnull
- OptionConnectionThe connection type for Option.
- OptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Ordernull
- OrderConnectionThe connection type for Order.
- OrderDetailnull
- OrderDetailConnectionThe connection type for OrderDetail.
- OrderDetailEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OrderEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OrderQueryFilterInputnull
- Organizationnull
- OrganizationOptionnull
- OrganizationOptionConnectionThe connection type for OrganizationOption.
- OrganizationOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OrganizationResourcenull
- OrganizationResourceConnectionThe connection type for OrganizationResource.
- OrganizationResourceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Packagenull
- PageInfoInformation about pagination in a connection.
- PaidBusinessnull
- PaidBusinessConnectionThe connection type for PaidBusiness.
- PaidBusinessCopynull
- PaidBusinessEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PaidBusinessInputnull
- PaidBusinessQueryFilterInputnull
- ParamedVendornull
- ParamedVendorNumbernull
- PartialOptionnull
- PayeeLevelnull
- PayeeLevelInputnull
- Paymentnull
- PaymentConnectionThe connection type for Payment.
- PaymentEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PaymentQueryFilterInputnull
- Payoutnull
- PayoutConnectionThe connection type for Payout.
- PayoutCopynull
- PayoutEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PayoutInputnull
- PayoutQueryFilterInputnull
- Phonenull
- PhoneConnectionThe connection type for Phone.
- PhoneCopynull
- PhoneEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PhoneInputnull
- PhoneQueryFilterInputnull
- PhotoInterfacenull
- Pointnull
- PointConnectionThe connection type for Point.
- PointEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PointQueryFilterInputnull
- Policynull
- PolicyConnectionThe connection type for Policy.
- PolicyCopynull
- PolicyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PolicyHoldernull
- PolicyHolderCopynull
- PolicyHolderInputnull
- PolicyInputnull
- PolicyQueryFilterInputnull
- PolicyRequirementnull
- PolicyRequirementConnectionThe connection type for PolicyRequirement.
- PolicyRequirementEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PolicyRequirementItemnull
- PolicyRequirementProductnull
- PolicyRequirementQueryFilterInputnull
- Productnull
- ProductCategorynull
- ProductCategoryConnectionThe connection type for ProductCategory.
- ProductCategoryEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ProductClassnull
- ProductClassConnectionThe connection type for ProductClass.
- ProductClassEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ProductConnectionThe connection type for Product.
- ProductCopynull
- ProductDurationnull
- ProductEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ProductInputnull
- ProductionGoalnull
- ProductionGoalInputnull
- ProductOptionnull
- ProductOptionConnectionThe connection type for ProductOption.
- ProductOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ProductQueryFilterInputnull
- ProductTypenull
- ProductTypeConnectionThe connection type for ProductType.
- ProductTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ProductUnderwritingTypenull
- Profilenull
- ProfileInputnull
- Querynull
- Ranknull
- RankInputnull
- Recommendationnull
- RecommendationCopynull
- RecommendationInputnull
- RelatedPolicynull
- Relationshipnull
- RelationshipInputnull
- Reportnull
- ReportCategorynull
- ReportConnectionThe connection type for Report.
- ReportCopynull
- ReportEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ReportFilternull
- ReportInputnull
- ReportOptionnull
- ReportOptionConnectionThe connection type for ReportOption.
- ReportOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ReportResourcenull
- ReportResultsnull
- ReportTemplatenull
- Requirementnull
- RequirementInputnull
- RequirementOrdernull
- RequirementOrderAttachmentnull
- RequirementOrderConnectionThe connection type for RequirementOrder.
- RequirementOrderEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RequirementOrderQueryFilterInputnull
- Resourcenull
- ResourceConnectionThe connection type for Resource.
- ResourceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ResourceGroupnull
- ResourceReportnull
- ResourceReportConnectionThe connection type for ResourceReport.
- ResourceReportEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ResourceReportInputnull
- ResourceReportOptionInputnull
- RiskClassnull
- RiskClassConnectionThe connection type for RiskClass.
- RiskClassEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RiskClassQueryFilterInputnull
- Rolenull
- RoleConnectionThe connection type for Role.
- RoleEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RoleQueryFilterInputnull
- RoutingNumbernull
- RoutingNumberConnectionThe connection type for RoutingNumber.
- RoutingNumberCopynull
- RoutingNumberEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RoutingNumberInputnull
- RoutingNumberQueryFilterInputnull
- RowDisplayTypenull
- RowDisplayTypeConnectionThe connection type for RowDisplayType.
- RowDisplayTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SalesManagernull
- SalesManagerInputnull
- SalesManagerTypenull
- SalesManagerTypeConnectionThe connection type for SalesManagerType.
- SalesManagerTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Scratchpadnull
- ScratchpadCopynull
- ScratchpadInputnull
- SearchDetailTypeThis returns an Object of SearchDetailType
- SearchPresenterDetailItemTypeThis returns an Object of SearchPresenterDetailItemType
- SearchResultTypeThis returns a list of SearchResultType objects
- SecuritiesLicenseTypenull
- SecuritiesLicenseTypeConnectionThe connection type for SecuritiesLicenseType.
- SecuritiesLicenseTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Selectnull
- SelectAggregatenull
- SelectAggregateInputnull
- SelectInputnull
- SelectOptionnull
- SelectOptionConnectionThe connection type for SelectOption.
- SelectOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SelectTypenull
- SelectTypeConnectionThe connection type for SelectType.
- SelectTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SignatureGuaranteenull
- SignatureGuaranteeConnectionThe connection type for SignatureGuarantee.
- SignatureGuaranteeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SignatureGuaranteeQueryFilterInputnull
- SourceOfFundnull
- SourceOfFundInputnull
- SourceVendornull
- Statenull
- StateConnectionThe connection type for State.
- StateEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- StateInputnull
- Statusnull
- StatusTriggernull
- StatusUpdatenull
- StockCertificatenull
- Subscribernull
- SubscriberInputnull
- TableRatingnull
- TableRatingConnectionThe connection type for TableRating.
- TableRatingEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TableRatingQueryFilterInputnull
- Tasknull
- TaskConnectionThe connection type for Task.
- TaskEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Teamnull
- TeamMembershipnull
- TeamMembershipInputnull
- TerritoryRadiusnull
- TimeZonenull
- TimeZoneConnectionThe connection type for TimeZone.
- TimeZoneEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Todonull
- TodoInputnull
- Tradenull
- TradeConnectionThe connection type for Trade.
- TradeCopynull
- TradeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TradeInputnull
- TradeQueryFilterInputnull
- TrailOptionnull
- Trusteenull
- UpdatePhotoPayloadAutogenerated return type of UpdatePhoto
- Usernull
- UserConnectionThe connection type for User.
- UserCopynull
- UserEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- UserInputnull
- UserQueryFilterInputnull
- UserViewnull
- Vendornull
- VendorConnectionThe connection type for Vendor.
- VendorCopynull
- VendorEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- VendorInputnull
- VendorQueryFilterInputnull
- Websitenull
- WebsiteInputnull
- Worknull
- WorkConnectionThe connection type for Work.
- WorkEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Workflownull
- WorkflowAssignmentnull
- WorkflowConnectionThe connection type for Workflow.
- WorkflowEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- WorkflowQueryFilterInputnull
- WorkflowResultnull
- WorkflowStepnull
- WorkItemnull
- WorkItemConnectionThe connection type for WorkItem.
- WorkItemCopynull
- WorkItemEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- WorkItemInputnull
- WorkItemQueryFilterInputnull
- WritingAdvisornull
- WritingAdvisorConnectionThe connection type for WritingAdvisor.
- WritingAdvisorCopynull
- WritingAdvisorEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- WritingAdvisorInputnull
- WritingAdvisorQueryFilterInputnull
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.