Represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Int
link Require by
- AccountHoldernull
- AccountOptionnull
- AccountOptionConnectionThe connection type for AccountOption.
- AcordRequestnull
- AcordRequestConnectionThe connection type for AcordRequest.
- Activitynull
- ActivityInputnull
- ActivityListnull
- ActivityListConnectionThe connection type for ActivityList.
- ActivityListCopynull
- ActivityListFilternull
- ActivityListFilterCopynull
- ActivityListSharenull
- ActivityListShareCopynull
- Addressnull
- AddressConnectionThe connection type for Address.
- AddressCopynull
- AddressInputnull
- AdvanceOptionnull
- AdvanceOptionConnectionThe connection type for AdvanceOption.
- AdvanceOptionCopynull
- AdvanceOptionInputnull
- Advisornull
- AdvisorConnectionThe connection type for Advisor.
- AdvisorCopynull
- AdvisorExamnull
- AdvisorExamConnectionThe connection type for AdvisorExam.
- AdvisorInputnull
- Affiliationnull
- AffiliationInputnull
- AggregateArgsnull
- AggregateTypenull
- AggregateTypeConnectionThe connection type for AggregateType.
- Annuitynull
- AnnuityConnectionThe connection type for Annuity.
- AnticipatedBusinessnull
- AnticipatedBusinessInputnull
- Applicationnull
- ApplicationConnectionThe connection type for Application.
- Appointmentnull
- AppointmentConnectionThe connection type for Appointment.
- AppointmentCopynull
- ApprovedProductnull
- ApprovedProductConnectionThe connection type for ApprovedProduct.
- Assetnull
- Assigneenull
- Attachmentnull
- AttachmentConnectionThe connection type for Attachment.
- AttachmentCopynull
- AttachmentInputnull
- Attributenull
- AttributeInputnull
- Badgenull
- BadgeOptionnull
- BadgeOptionConnectionThe connection type for BadgeOption.
- Bandnull
- BandConnectionThe connection type for Band.
- BandCopynull
- Banknull
- BankAccountnull
- BankAccountConnectionThe connection type for BankAccount.
- BankAccountCopynull
- BankAccountOwnerTypenull
- BankAccountOwnerTypeConnectionThe connection type for BankAccountOwnerType.
- BankAccountOwnerTypeCopynull
- BankConnectionThe connection type for Bank.
- BankCopynull
- BankInputnull
- Beneficiarynull
- BeneficiaryInputnull
- Bonusnull
- BonusConnectionThe connection type for Bonus.
- Brandnull
- BrandConnectionThe connection type for Brand.
- BrandContractnull
- Campaignnull
- CampaignConnectionThe connection type for Campaign.
- CampaignCopynull
- Carriernull
- CarrierConnectionThe connection type for Carrier.
- CarrierCopynull
- CarrierDatenull
- CarrierDateConnectionThe connection type for CarrierDate.
- CarrierDateInputnull
- CarrierInputnull
- CarrierSubmissionTypenull
- CarrierTiernull
- CarrierTierInputnull
- Certificationnull
- CertificationConnectionThe connection type for Certification.
- CertificationCopynull
- CertificationInputnull
- Checknull
- CheckConnectionThe connection type for Check.
- Clientnull
- ClientConnectionThe connection type for Client.
- ClientCopynull
- ClientInputnull
- ClientRatingnull
- ClientRatingInputnull
- ColumnDisplayTypenull
- ColumnDisplayTypeConnectionThe connection type for ColumnDisplayType.
- Commentnull
- CommentAttachmentnull
- CommentAttachmentInputnull
- CommentConnectionThe connection type for Comment.
- CommentCopynull
- CommentInputnull
- CommissionBatchnull
- CommissionBatchStatementnull
- CommissionPreferencenull
- CommissionStatementnull
- CommissionStatementConnectionThe connection type for CommissionStatement.
- CommissionStatementCopynull
- CommissionStatementInputnull
- Companynull
- CompanyConnectionThe connection type for Company.
- CompanyCopynull
- CompanyInputnull
- Contactnull
- ContactConnectionThe connection type for Contact.
- ContactCopynull
- ContactInputnull
- Contractnull
- ContractClearingFirmnull
- ContractConnectionThe connection type for Contract.
- ContractCopynull
- ContractInputnull
- ContractLevelnull
- ContractLevelConnectionThe connection type for ContractLevel.
- ContractLevelCopynull
- ContractLevelInputnull
- ContractRegistrationnull
- ContractSubmissionTypeConnectionThe connection type for ContractSubmissionType.
- Countrynull
- Countynull
- Demographicnull
- DemographicInputnull
- Discussionnull
- DiscussionConnectionThe connection type for Discussion.
- DiscussionCopynull
- DiscussionFiltersnull
- DiscussionFiltersConnectionThe connection type for DiscussionFilters.
- DiscussionFiltersCopynull
- DiscussionInputnull
- DiscussionOptionnull
- DiscussionOptionConnectionThe connection type for DiscussionOption.
- DiscussionsConnectionInterfacenull
- DiscussionTemplateConfignull
- Dripnull
- DriverLicensenull
- DriverLicenseInputnull
- Emailnull
- EmailSignaturenull
- EmploymentHistorynull
- EmploymentHistoryConnectionThe connection type for EmploymentHistory.
- EmploymentHistoryCopynull
- ErrorsAndOmissionnull
- ErrorsAndOmissionConnectionThe connection type for ErrorsAndOmission.
- ErrorsAndOmissionOwnernull
- Eventnull
- EventConnectionThe connection type for Event.
- Expansionnull
- ExpansionArgsnull
- ExpansionConnectionThe connection type for Expansion.
- ExternalLookupConnectionThe connection type for ExternalLookup.
- ExternalManagernull
- ExternalManagerInputnull
- ExternalManagerOptionnull
- ExternalManagerOptionConnectionThe connection type for ExternalManagerOption.
- FeatureRequestnull
- FeatureRequestConnectionThe connection type for FeatureRequest.
- FeatureRequestVoteConnectionThe connection type for FeatureRequestVote.
- Fieldnull
- FieldConnectionThe connection type for Field.
- FieldCopynull
- FieldGroupnull
- FieldGroupConnectionThe connection type for FieldGroup.
- FieldGroupCopynull
- FieldInputnull
- FieldSelectOptionnull
- Filternull
- FilterInputnull
- FilterOptionnull
- FilterOptionConnectionThe connection type for FilterOption.
- FilterTypenull
- FilterTypeConnectionThe connection type for FilterType.
- FilterValuenull
- FilterValueInputnull
- Firmnull
- FirmConnectionThe connection type for Firm.
- FirmCopynull
- FirmInputnull
- Followupnull
- Formulanull
- FormulaInputnull
- HiddenConstantnull
- HiddenConstantConnectionThe connection type for HiddenConstant.
- Hierarchynull
- HierarchyConnectionThe connection type for Hierarchy.
- HierarchyCopynull
- HierarchyTypenull
- HierarchyTypeConnectionThe connection type for HierarchyType.
- Hobbynull
- ImportBatchnull
- ImportBatchRownull
- Incentivenull
- IncentiveConnectionThe connection type for Incentive.
- IncentiveLimitnull
- IncentiveQualificationnull
- IncentiveSchedulenull
- IncentiveSchedulePayoutnull
- Integrationnull
- IntegrationConnectionThe connection type for Integration.
- IntegrationOptionnull
- InternalManagernull
- InternalManagerInputnull
- InternalManagerOptionnull
- InternalManagerOptionConnectionThe connection type for InternalManagerOption.
- InternalRequirementOrderStatusUpdatenull
- Jurisdictionnull
- JurisdictionConnectionThe connection type for Jurisdiction.
- Levelnull
- LevelConnectionThe connection type for Level.
- LevelCopynull
- LevelInputnull
- Licensenull
- LicenseConnectionThe connection type for License.
- LicenseCopynull
- LicenseInputnull
- MarketingServicenull
- MarketingServiceConnectionThe connection type for MarketingService.
- MarketingServiceCopynull
- MarketingServiceInputnull
- MarketingServicesPricingnull
- MarketingServicesPricingConnectionThe connection type for MarketingServicesPricing.
- MedicalFacilitynull
- MinimumPaymentnull
- Opportunitynull
- OpportunityConnectionThe connection type for Opportunity.
- OpportunityCopynull
- OpportunityInputnull
- OptionArgsnull
- OptionConnectionThe connection type for Option.
- Ordernull
- OrderConnectionThe connection type for Order.
- OrderDetailnull
- OrderDetailConnectionThe connection type for OrderDetail.
- Organizationnull
- OrganizationOptionnull
- OrganizationOptionConnectionThe connection type for OrganizationOption.
- OrganizationResourcenull
- OrganizationResourceConnectionThe connection type for OrganizationResource.
- Packagenull
- PaidBusinessnull
- PaidBusinessConnectionThe connection type for PaidBusiness.
- PaidBusinessCopynull
- PaidBusinessInputnull
- ParamedVendornull
- ParamedVendorNumbernull
- PayeeLevelnull
- Paymentnull
- PaymentConnectionThe connection type for Payment.
- Payoutnull
- PayoutConnectionThe connection type for Payout.
- PayoutCopynull
- Phonenull
- PhoneConnectionThe connection type for Phone.
- PhoneCopynull
- Pointnull
- PointConnectionThe connection type for Point.
- Policynull
- PolicyConnectionThe connection type for Policy.
- PolicyCopynull
- PolicyHoldernull
- PolicyHolderCopynull
- PolicyHolderInputnull
- PolicyInputnull
- PolicyRequirementnull
- PolicyRequirementConnectionThe connection type for PolicyRequirement.
- PolicyRequirementItemnull
- PolicyRequirementProductnull
- Productnull
- ProductCategorynull
- ProductCategoryConnectionThe connection type for ProductCategory.
- ProductClassnull
- ProductClassConnectionThe connection type for ProductClass.
- ProductConnectionThe connection type for Product.
- ProductCopynull
- ProductDurationnull
- ProductInputnull
- ProductionGoalnull
- ProductionGoalInputnull
- ProductOptionnull
- ProductOptionConnectionThe connection type for ProductOption.
- ProductTypenull
- ProductTypeConnectionThe connection type for ProductType.
- ProductUnderwritingTypenull
- Profilenull
- ProfileInputnull
- Querynull
- Ranknull
- RankInputnull
- Recommendationnull
- RecommendationCopynull
- RecommendationInputnull
- RelatedPolicynull
- Relationshipnull
- Reportnull
- ReportCategorynull
- ReportConnectionThe connection type for Report.
- ReportCopynull
- ReportInputnull
- ReportOptionnull
- ReportOptionConnectionThe connection type for ReportOption.
- ReportResourcenull
- ReportTemplatenull
- Requirementnull
- RequirementOrdernull
- RequirementOrderAttachmentnull
- RequirementOrderConnectionThe connection type for RequirementOrder.
- Resourcenull
- ResourceConnectionThe connection type for Resource.
- ResourceGroupnull
- ResourceOptionArgsnull
- ResourceReportnull
- ResourceReportConnectionThe connection type for ResourceReport.
- ResourceReportInputnull
- ResourceReportOptionnull
- ResourceReportOptionInputnull
- RiskClassConnectionThe connection type for RiskClass.
- Rolenull
- RoleConnectionThe connection type for Role.
- RoutingNumbernull
- RoutingNumberConnectionThe connection type for RoutingNumber.
- RoutingNumberCopynull
- RowDisplayTypenull
- RowDisplayTypeConnectionThe connection type for RowDisplayType.
- SalesManagernull
- SalesManagerInputnull
- SalesManagerTypenull
- SalesManagerTypeConnectionThe connection type for SalesManagerType.
- Scratchpadnull
- ScratchpadCopynull
- SearchOptionsInputTypeThis contains a list of search options that are passed in with the search query
- SearchTypeThis returns a list of Resource items based on a query
- SecuritiesLicenseTypeConnectionThe connection type for SecuritiesLicenseType.
- Selectnull
- SelectAggregatenull
- SelectAggregateInputnull
- SelectInputnull
- SelectOptionnull
- SelectOptionConnectionThe connection type for SelectOption.
- SelectTypenull
- SelectTypeConnectionThe connection type for SelectType.
- Sharenull
- SignatureGuaranteenull
- SignatureGuaranteeConnectionThe connection type for SignatureGuarantee.
- SourceOfFundnull
- SourceVendornull
- Statenull
- StateConnectionThe connection type for State.
- StateInputnull
- StatusTriggernull
- StatusUpdatenull
- StockCertificatenull
- Subscribernull
- TableRatingConnectionThe connection type for TableRating.
- Tasknull
- TaskConnectionThe connection type for Task.
- Teamnull
- TeamMembershipnull
- TerritoryRadiusnull
- TimeZonenull
- TimeZoneConnectionThe connection type for TimeZone.
- Todonull
- TodoInputnull
- Tradenull
- TradeConnectionThe connection type for Trade.
- TradeCopynull
- TradeInputnull
- TrailOptionnull
- Trusteenull
- TypeArgsnull
- Usernull
- UserConnectionThe connection type for User.
- UserCopynull
- UserInputnull
- UserViewnull
- Vendornull
- VendorConnectionThe connection type for Vendor.
- VendorCopynull
- VendorInputnull
- Websitenull
- Worknull
- WorkConnectionThe connection type for Work.
- Workflownull
- WorkflowAssignmentnull
- WorkflowConnectionThe connection type for Workflow.
- WorkflowResultnull
- WorkflowStepnull
- WorkItemnull
- WorkItemConnectionThe connection type for WorkItem.
- WorkItemCopynull
- WorkItemInputnull
- WritingAdvisornull
- WritingAdvisorConnectionThe connection type for WritingAdvisor.
- WritingAdvisorCopynull