link GraphQL Schema definition
- type FieldGroup {
- ISO8601DateTime :
- User! :
- UUID! :
- # Arguments
- # offset: [Not documented]
- # limit: [Not documented]
- # sortOrder: [Not documented]
- # sortBy: [Not documented]
- Int, : Int, : SortOrder, : SortBy): [Field!]! ( :
- UUID! :
- String :
- String! :
- Organization :
- Int! :
- ISO8601DateTime :
- User! :
- UUID! :
- User :
- UUID :
- }
link Require by
- Fieldnull
- FieldCopynull
- FieldGroupConnectionThe connection type for FieldGroup.
- FieldGroupCreatePayloadAutogenerated return type of FieldGroupCreate
- FieldGroupDestroyPayloadAutogenerated return type of FieldGroupDestroy
- FieldGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- FieldGroupUpdatePayloadAutogenerated return type of FieldGroupUpdate
- Organizationnull
- Querynull
- Usernull
- UserCopynull